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Namespace: OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine

DotNetEngine is a ScriptEngine that executes LSL scripts contained within objects.
Core development blog: [1]

How it works

1. Create instance of ScriptEngine(scene).
2. ScriptEngine will create instances of:


3. EventManager will hook up all necessary events (all possible script events, script rez, script derez, etc).
4. When events are received, they are processed inside EventManager.

For example:
Event for loading a script will be processed and EventManager will tell ScriptManager to load the script.
Event such as touch_start is received in EventManager and translated to LSL-compatible request before being sent to EventQueueManager.

Note! If event is for a particular object, EventQueueManager will queue event for all scripts inside that object.
5. If script is LSL then OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.Compiler.LSL is used to compile the script to .Net Assembly.
6. EventQueueManager has a separate thread running to process its event queue. Events are actually functions inside the script .dll that is called "<state>_event_<event_name>" for example "default_event_touch_start". State is read from a global variable in the script .dll.

Places to extend script support

  • LSL_BaseClass.cs

These are the functions script can use to manipulate the scene. Commonly known as ll-functions. They are LSL functions such as llSay, llWhisper, etc.

  • EventManager.cs

This is where events are coming from server and being queued for scripts. All 16 or so LSL events needs to be implemented here.


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