OSSL Enabling Functions

From OpenSimulator

Revision as of 08:58, 18 February 2010 by WhiteStar (Talk | contribs)

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Here is a Modified [XEngine] Section for your OpenSim.ini
This is effective up to OpenSim Version: OpenSim 0.6.9 (Dev) GIT# 4c1365f - r12125(interface version 6)  FEB.01.2010 and is Subject to Change

! Not all Functions may be available in previous versions / revisions of OpenSim.

! New Functions may become available and some functions may be deprecated in the future.

! Look at OWNERUUID for certain functions to prevent Potential Harmfull uses!

Simply Replace the [XEngine] Section in your OpenSim.ini and adjust according to your needs

 ; Enable this engine in this OpenSim instance
 Enabled = true
 ; How many threads to keep alive even if nothing is happening
 MinThreads = 2
 ; How many threads to start at maximum load
 MaxThreads = 100
 ; Time a thread must be idle (in seconds) before it dies
 IdleTimeout = 60
 ; Thread priority ("Lowest", "BelowNormal", "Normal", "AboveNormal", "Highest")
 Priority = "BelowNormal"
 ; Maximum number of events to queue for a script (excluding timers)
 MaxScriptEventQueue = 300
 ; Stack size per thread created
 ThreadStackSize = 262144
 ; Set this to true (the default) to load each script into a separate
 ; AppDomain. Setting this to false will load all script assemblies into the
 ; current AppDomain, which will reduce the per-script overhead at the
 ; expense of reduced security and the inability to garbage collect the
 ; script assemblies
 AppDomainLoading = true
 ; Rate to poll for asynchronous command replies (ms)
 ; currently unused
 ;AsyncLLCommandLoopms = 50
 ; Save the source of all compiled scripts
 WriteScriptSourceToDebugFile = false
 ; Default language for scripts
 DefaultCompileLanguage = lsl
 ; List of allowed languages (lsl,vb,js,cs)
 ; AllowedCompilers=lsl,cs,js,vb. 
 ; *warning*, non lsl languages have access to static methods such as System.IO.File. Enable at your own risk.
 ; Compile debug info (line numbers) into the script assemblies
 CompileWithDebugInformation = true
 ; Allow the user of mod* functions. This allows a script to pass messages
 ; to a region module via the modSendCommand() function
 ; Default is false
 AllowMODFunctions = false
 ; Interval (s) between background save of script states
 SaveInterval = 120
 ; Interval (s) between maintenance runs (0 = disable)
 MaintenanceInterval = 10
 ; Time a script can spend in an event handler before it is interrupted
 EventLimit = 30
 ; If a script overruns it's event limit, kill the script?
 KillTimedOutScripts = false
 ; Sets the multiplier for the scripting delays
 ScriptDelayFactor = 1.0
 ; The factor the 10 m distances llimits are multiplied by
 ScriptDistanceLimitFactor = 1.0
 ; Maximum length of notecard line read
 ; Increasing this to large values potentially opens
 ; up the system to malicious scripters
 ; NotecardLineReadCharsMax = 255
 ; Sensor settings
 SensorMaxRange = 96.0
 SensorMaxResults = 16
 ; More Info @ http://opensimulator.org/wiki/OSSL_Implemented
 ; Allow the use of os* functions (some are dangerous)
 AllowOSFunctions = true
 ; Threat level to allow, one of None, VeryLow, Low, Moderate, High, VeryHigh, Severe
 OSFunctionThreatLevel = Low
 ; The default for all functions allows them if below the threat level as defined above
 ; If a Higher Threat Level Function is set to TRUE This will operate OVER the above define default level
 ;; = true allows the use of the function unconditionally
 ;; = false completely disallows regardless
 ;; = UUID allows that Individual Avatar Access to osFunction
 ;; UUID,UUID,UUID would allow the 3 different avatars to access function
 ; **** THREAT LEVEL NONE Functions ****
 Allow_osGetCurrentSunHour = true
 Allow_osSunGetParam = true
 Allow_osSunSetParam = true 
 Allow_osWindActiveModelPluginName = true 
 Allow_osMovePen = true 
 Allow_osDrawLine = true 
 Allow_osDrawText = true 
 Allow_osDrawEllipse = true 
 Allow_osDrawRectangle = true 
 Allow_osDrawFilledRectangle = true 
 Allow_osSetFontSize = true 
 Allow_osSetPenSize = true 
 Allow_osSetPenColour = true 
 Allow_osDrawImage = true 
 Allow_osGetAgents = true 
 Allow_osTerrainGetHeight = true 
 Allow_osParseJSON = true
 Allow_osDrawFilledPolygon = true
 Allow_osSetPenCap = true
 Allow_osSetFontName = true
 Allow_osGetMapTexture = true
 ; **** THREAT LEVEL Nuisance Block ****
 Allow_osSetRegionSunSettings = false 
 Allow_osSetEstateSunSettings = false 
 ; **** THREAT LEVEL VeryLow Block ****
 Allow_osTerrainFlush = false 
 Allow_osSetPrimFloatOnWater = true 
 Allow_osSetDynamicTextureURL = true 
 Allow_osSetDynamicTextureURLBlend = true 
 Allow_osSetDynamicTextureURLBlendFace = true 
 Allow_osSetDynamicTextureData = true 
 Allow_osSetDynamicTextureDataBlend = true 
 Allow_osSetDynamicTextureDataBlendFace = true 
 Allow_osGetDrawStringSize = true 
 Allow_osWindParamSet = true 
 Allow_osWindParamGet = true 
 Allow_osSetParcelMediaURL = true 
 ; **** THREAT LEVEL Low Block ****
 Allow_osMessageObject = true 
 Allow_osAvatarName2Key = true 
 Allow_osKey2Name = true 
 Allow_osFormatString = true 
 Allow_osLoadedCreationDate = false 
 Allow_osLoadedCreationTime = false 
 Allow_osLoadedCreationID = false 
 ; **** THREAT LEVEL Moderate ****
 Allow_osGetGridNick = true 
 Allow_osGetGridName = true 
 Allow_osGetGridLoginURI = true
 Allow_osGetRegionStats = true 
 Allow_osGetSimulatorMemory = true
 Allow_osSetSpeed = true ; osSetSpeed(string UUID, float SpeedModifier)
 ; **** THREAT LEVEL HIGH Block ****
 Allow_osTeleportAgent = true 
 Allow_osMakeNotecard = true 
 Allow_osMatchString = false 
 Allow_osTerrainSetHeight = false 
 Allow_osRegionRestart = false 
 Allow_osGetAgentIP = false 
 Allow_osSetRegionWaterHeight = false 
 Allow_osGetScriptEngineName = false 
 Allow_osGetRegionMapTexture = false ; osGetRegionMapTexture(string regionName)
 Allow_osCauseDamage = false ; osCauseDamage(string avatar, double damage)
 Allow_osCauseHealing = false ; osCauseHealing(string avatar, double healing)
 ; **** THREAT LEVEL VeryHigh Block ****
 Allow_osRegionNotice = false
 Allow_osSetRot = false 
 Allow_osAvatarPlayAnimation = false 
 Allow_osAvatarStopAnimation = false 
 Allow_osGetNotecardLine = false 
 Allow_osGetNotecard = false 
 Allow_osGetNumberOfNotecardLines = false 
 ; **** THREAT LEVEL Severe Block****
 Allow_osGetSimulatorVersion = true 
 Allow_osConsoleCommand = false ; ! USE ONLY WITH REGION OPERATORS UUID !
 Allow_osKickAvatar = false ; ! AS Above ! osKickAvatar(string FirstName,string LastName,string alert)
 ; Allow for llCreateLink and llBreakLink to work without asking for permission 
 ; only enable this in a trusted environment otherwise you may be subject to hijacking
 ; AutomaticLinkPermission = false
 ; Disable underground movement of prims (default true); set to
 ; false to allow script controlled underground positioning of
 ; prims 
 ; DisableUndergroundMovement = true

--WhiteStar 20:53, 1 February 2010 (UTC)

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