OSSL Enabling Functions

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Revision as of 22:43, 16 November 2010 by WhiteStar (Talk | contribs)

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Here is a Modified [XEngine] Section for your OpenSim.ini
This is effective FROM OpenSim 0.7.1 Dev a7acb65-r/14142 (interface version 6)  October-21-2010 and is Subject to Change

! Not all Functions may be available in previous versions / revisions of OpenSim.

! New Functions may become available and some functions may be deprecated in the future.

! Look at OWNER UUID for certain functions to prevent Potential Harmfull uses!

Simply Replace the [XEngine] Section in your OpenSim.ini and adjust according to your needs

Special Security Note:  The functions as shown within the example below have Values Set to "sane" values with moderatly acceptable Threat Levels.  Set According to your Comfort Level and what you determine to be an acceptable levels of Risk Potential.

 ;# {Enabled} {} {Enable the XEngine scripting engine?} {true false} true
 ;; Enable this engine in this OpenSim instance
 Enabled = true
 ;; How many threads to keep alive even if nothing is happening
 ; MinThreads = 2
 ;; How many threads to start at maximum load
 ; MaxThreads = 100
 ;; Time a thread must be idle (in seconds) before it dies
 ; IdleTimeout = 60
 ;# {Priority} {Enabled:true} {Priority for script engine threads?} {Lowest BelowNormal Normal AboveNormal Highest} BelowNormal
 ;; Thread priority ("Lowest", "BelowNormal", "Normal", "AboveNormal",
 ;; "Highest")
 ; Priority = "BelowNormal"
 ;; Maximum number of events to queue for a script (excluding timers)
 ; MaxScriptEventQueue = 300
 ;; Stack size per thread created
 ; ThreadStackSize = 262144
 ;; Set this to true (the default) to load each script into a separate
 ;; AppDomain. Setting this to false will load all script assemblies into the
 ;; current AppDomain, which will reduce the per-script overhead at the
 ;; expense of reduced security and the inability to garbage collect the
 ;; script assemblies
 ; AppDomainLoading = false ;; OSG Set this to false
 AppDomainLoading = true
 ;# {DefaultCompileLanguage} {Enabled:true} {Default script language?} {lsl vb cs} lsl
 ;; Default language for scripts
 ; DefaultCompileLanguage = "lsl"
 ;# {AllowedCompilers} {Enabled:true} {Languages to allow (comma separated)?} {} lsl
 ;; List of allowed languages (lsl,vb,cs)
 ;; AllowedCompilers=lsl,cs,js,vb.
 ;; *warning*, non lsl languages have access to static methods such as
 ;; System.IO.File. Enable at your own risk.
 ; AllowedCompilers = "lsl"
 ;; Compile debug info (line numbers) into the script assemblies
 ; CompileWithDebugInformation = true
 ;; Allow the user of mod* functions. This allows a script to pass messages
 ;; to a region module via the modSendCommand() function
 ;; Default is false
 ; AllowMODFunctions = false
 ;# {AllowLightShareFunctions} {Enabled:true [LightShare]enable_windlight:true} {Allow LightShare functions?} {true false} true
 ; Allow the user of LightShare functions
 AllowLightShareFunctions = true
 ;; Time a script can spend in an event handler before it is interrupted
 ; EventLimit = 30
 ;; If a script overruns it's event limit, kill the script?
 ; KillTimedOutScripts = false
 ;; Sets the multiplier for the scripting delays
 ; ScriptDelayFactor = 1.0
 ;; The factor the 10 m distances llimits are multiplied by
 ; ScriptDistanceLimitFactor = 1.0
 ;; More Info @ http://opensimulator.org/wiki/OSSL_Implemented
 ;; OSSL Functions as defined on October-21-2010 OpenSim 0.7.1 Dev a7acb65-r/14142 (interface version 6)
 ;# {OSFunctionThreatLevel} {Enabled:true AllowOSFunctions:true} {OSFunction threat level? (DANGEROUS!)} {None VeryLow Low Moderate High VeryHigh Severe} VeryLow
 ;; *** Threat level to allow, one of None, VeryLow, Low, Moderate, High,
 ;; VeryHigh, Severe
 OSFunctionThreatLevel = Low
 ;# {AllowOSFunctions} {Enabled:true} {Allow OSFunctions? (DANGEROUS!)} {true false} false
 ;; Allow the use of os* functions (some are dangerous)
 AllowOSFunctions = true
 ;; The default for all functions allows them if below the threat level as defined above
 ;; If a Higher Threat Level Function is set to TRUE This will operate OVER the above define default level
 ;; = true allows the use of the function unconditionally
 ;; = false completely disallows regardless
 ;; = UUID allows that Individual Avatar Access to osFunction
 ;; UUID,UUID,UUID would allow the 3 different avatars to access function
 ;; *** Threat-Level=None 
 Allow_osDrawEllipse = true
 Allow_osDrawFilledPolygon = true
 Allow_osDrawPolygon = true
 Allow_osDrawFilledRectangle = true
 Allow_osDrawImage = true
 Allow_osDrawLine = true
 Allow_osDrawLine = true
 Allow_osDrawRectangle = true
 Allow_osDrawText = true
 Allow_osGetAgents = true
 Allow_osGetAvatarList = true
 Allow_osGetCurrentSunHour = true
 Allow_osGetMapTexture = true
 Allow_osList2Double = true
 Allow_osMovePen = true
 Allow_osParseJSON = true
 Allow_osSetFontName = true
 Allow_osSetFontSize = true
 Allow_osSetPenCap = true
 Allow_osSetPenColour = true
 Allow_osSetPenSize = true
 Allow_osSunGetParam = true
 Allow_osSunSetParam = true
 Allow_osTerrainGetHeight = true
 Allow_osWindActiveModelPluginName = true
 ;; *** Threat-Level=Nuisance 
 Allow_osSetEstateSunSettings = false
 Allow_osSetRegionSunSettings = false
 ;; *** Threat-Level=VeryLow 
 Allow_osGetDrawStringSize = true
 Allow_osSetDynamicTextureData = true
 Allow_osSetDynamicTextureDataBlend = true
 Allow_osSetDynamicTextureDataBlendFace = true
 Allow_osSetDynamicTextureURL = true
 Allow_osSetDynamicTextureURLBlend = true
 Allow_osSetDynamicTextureURLBlendFace = true
 Allow_osSetParcelMediaURL = false
 Allow_osSetParcelSIPAddress = false
 Allow_osSetPrimFloatOnWater = true
 Allow_osTerrainFlush = false
 ;; Allow_osWindParamGet = true ;; Not Available at this time
 ;; Allow_osWindParamSet = true ;; Not Available at this time
 ;; *** Threat-Level=Low 
 Allow_osAvatarName2Key = true
 Allow_osFormatString = true
 Allow_osKey2Name = true
 Allow_osLoadedCreationDate = false
 Allow_osLoadedCreationID = false
 Allow_osLoadedCreationTime = false
 Allow_osMessageObject = true
 ;; *** Threat-Level=Moderate 
 Allow_osGetGridLoginURI = true
 Allow_osGetGridName = true
 Allow_osGetGridNick = true
 Allow_osGetRegionStats = true
 Allow_osGetSimulatorMemory = true
 Allow_osSetSpeed = true
 ;; *** Threat-Level=High Recomended to use UUID for those set as false 
 Allow_osCauseDamage = false
 Allow_osCauseHealing = false
 Allow_osGetAgentIP = false
 Allow_osGetLinkPrimitiveParams = true
 Allow_osGetPrimitiveParams = true
 Allow_osSetPrimitiveParams = true
 Allow_osGetRegionMapTexture = true
 Allow_osGetScriptEngineName = false
 Allow_osMakeNotecard = false
 Allow_osMatchString = true
 Allow_osNpcCreate = false
 Allow_osNpcMoveTo = false
 Allow_osNpcRemove = false
 Allow_osNpcSay = false
 Allow_osParcelJoin = false
 Allow_osParcelSetDetails = false
 Allow_osParcelSubdivide = false
 Allow_osRegionRestart = false
 Allow_osSetProjectionParams = false
 Allow_osSetRegionWaterHeight = false
 Allow_osSetStateEvents = false
 Allow_osTeleportAgent = false
 Allow_osTerrainSetHeight = false
 Allow_osGetSimulatorVersion = true
 ;; *** Threat-Level=VeryHigh Recomended to use UUID for those set as false 
 Allow_osAvatarPlayAnimation = false
 Allow_osAvatarStopAnimation = false
 Allow_osGetNotecard = false
 Allow_osGetNotecardLine = false
 Allow_osGetNumberOfNotecardLines = false
 Allow_osRegionNotice = false
 Allow_osSetRot = false
 ;; *** Threat-Level=Severe Recomended to use UUID for those set as false 
 Allow_osConsoleCommand = false
 Allow_osKickAvatar = false
 ;; Maximum length of notecard line read
 ;; Increasing this to large values potentially opens
 ;; up the system to malicious scripters
 ;; NotecardLineReadCharsMax = 255
 ;; Sensor settings
 ; SensorMaxRange = 96.0
 ; SensorMaxResults = 16
 ;; Disable underground movement of prims (default true); set to
 ;; false to allow script controlled underground positioning of
 ;; prims
 ; DisableUndergroundMovement = true

--WhiteStar 17:07, 21 October 2010 (UTC)

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