Communication Protocols

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Revision as of 13:28, 25 July 2011 by Justincc (Talk | contribs)

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There are a large number of communication protocols used by OpenSimulator. These can be divided into the four types.

Client protocols

These are communication protocols between the server and a client/viewer. The primary protocol here is the Linden Lab viewer protocol. This protocol is divided into UDP messages (such as object updates, avatar position updates, etc.) and HTTP based messages via capabilities.

Grid service protocols

On a standalone OpenSimulator installation, all communications occurs within process. However, with a grid installation the simulators need to communicate with backend services (asset, inventory, etc.). This is done over HTTP.

Simulator to simulator protocols

There are some situations in which simulators need to communicate directly with one another. One of these is on teleport or region crossing. This communication is carried out through HTTP.

Simulator to external protocols

There are some ways in which the simulator can be examined or controlled externally. One example of control is the RemoteAdmin interface. An example of inspecting sim information externally but not through a viewer is found in the Web Statistics Module.

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