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An example module for Robust

WxService is a user-space module consisting of a set of connector, service and handler for Robust. It provides a starting point and example for writing modules to run in the Robust server shell. The example framework demonstrates...

  • the steps needed to configure and load the application under the Robust server
  • servicing requests that interact with existing core OpenSimulator services
  • adding commands to the Robust console
  • adding a custom database with migrations
  • building an application under Robust

The purpose of WxService is to show how one can leverage the Robust shell to provide points of interaction with OpenSimulator core for external applications. This gives anyone an opportunity to build applications that can interact with OpenSimulator without manipulating the databases directly (bad, bad, bad). It also allows applications that have traditionally used in external apache/php services to be more tightly integrated into the OpenSimulator framework. It should make distribution of modules to users simpler by using the OpenSimulator database facilities to migrate data on installations or upgrades. And, the applications can be made better by providing management commands in the console.

Example code

The code is laid out in directories similar to the core services and connectors in OpenSimulator core and is heavily commented. It should be pretty easy to follow and adapt to your own projects. See: http://bluewallvirtual.com/WxService_Reloaded for code and discussion forum. For help, post in the forum there (no account required) or find me (BlueWall) on IRC - Freenode #opensim

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