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Branches and Tags in the Git Repo

OpenSimulator uses Git for its source code repository. The repository contains various branches and tags used to identify development branches and release branches of the code. The primary git repository is hosted on the domain. A mirror is maintained on Github. The Github repo is sync'ed with the primary every 10 minutes.

Git Repos

Repositories in the Primary Git

  • opensim - the OpenSimulator source code
  • opensim-libs - forks of third party libraries used in building OpenSimulator

This page outlines the repository branches and tags; what they are for, and our policy for what goes into it.

Also read



The master branch holds bleeding edge OpenSimulator development.

OpenSimulator Master Branch Policies

  • Master is not guaranteed to function. It might be in the middle of a transition, or undergoing a major overhaul.
  • Master should always build
  • All tests should run green on trunk
  • Code should have been reasonably tested

Browse the master branch

Release Points

A new release is created for main master code. A tag with the full release name is added. (example A Branch named as the release number is created Master version is changed to at least the next minor number.

<version>-release (outdated)

These branches contain release code. For instance,


These branches contain release code that has had fixes applied afterwards. For instance, If no post fix branch exists then no post fixes have been done.

Other Branches

Other branches mainly contain temporary developer's work.

Browse a list of all branches


Tags were originally used to trigger the automatic release build process. When it was time for a release, a <version>-release tag was applied to a branch, triggering the automated process that produced the release tarballs. For more details see Automated Release Building. Tags continue to be used to mark releases but may also be used for other purposes.

Browse a list of all tags

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