Chat log from the meeting on 2014-10-07

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[2014/10/07 09:15]  Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[2014/10/07 09:15]  Connected
[2014/10/07 09:15]  Teleport completed from https://2013_opensim_com/region/Staff%20Zone%201/152/81/27
[2014/10/07 09:15]  Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[2014/10/07 09:15]  Connected
[2014/10/07 09:22]  Justin Clark-Casey: heyo
[2014/10/07 10:01]  Teleport completed from https://2013_opensim_com/region/Keynote%201/249/247/22
[2014/10/07 10:57]  Teleport completed from https://2013_opensim_com/region/Keynote%202/5/249/22
[2014/10/07 10:58]  Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[2014/10/07 10:58]  Connected
[2014/10/07 11:00]  Teleport completed from https://2013_opensim_com/region/Keynote%201/241/236/22
[2014/10/07 11:00]  Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[2014/10/07 11:00]  Connected
[2014/10/07 11:00]  Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[2014/10/07 11:00]  Connected
[2014/10/07 11:00]  Justin Clark-Casey: hi folks
[2014/10/07 11:01]  Nebadon Izumi: hello Justin
[2014/10/07 11:01]  Alicia.Raven hi justin
[2014/10/07 11:01]  Richardus.Raymaker hi justin
[2014/10/07 11:02]  Nebadon Izumi: how is everyone doing this week?
[2014/10/07 11:03]  Mata Hari: plugging along :)
[2014/10/07 11:03]  Mata Hari: (and homesick :p)
[2014/10/07 11:03]  Nebadon Izumi: we are getting close to OSCC 1 month out now
[2014/10/07 11:04]  Nebadon Izumi: lots to do still
[2014/10/07 11:04]  Justin Clark-Casey: so today, I'm running bots exclusively out of ec2 cx2.large instances, to see if that gives better behaviour
[2014/10/07 11:04]  Nebadon Izumi: nice
[2014/10/07 11:04]  Justin Clark-Casey: in terms of not having them time out still
[2014/10/07 11:04]  Richardus.Raymaker right now, pretty good. but thats the wheater i think, thunderstorm and rain
[2014/10/07 11:04]  Nebadon Izumi: did chriss get an account setup?
[2014/10/07 11:05]  Justin Clark-Casey: there is an issue with the throttle settings I'm fraid neb
[2014/10/07 11:05]  Justin Clark-Casey: neb: yes, so money donated to oscc is paying for the ec2 instances
[2014/10/07 11:05]  Nebadon Izumi: awesome
[2014/10/07 11:05]  Nebadon Izumi: whats the problem with throttles?
[2014/10/07 11:05]  Justin Clark-Casey: they still interact in a way I don't uderstand - they are way too low now
[2014/10/07 11:05]  Justin Clark-Casey: even though they shouldn't be
[2014/10/07 11:05]  Nebadon Izumi: hmm ok
[2014/10/07 11:05]  Justin Clark-Casey: neb: I was able to manually adjust them upwards a bit on kn1 though
[2014/10/07 11:05]  Nebadon Izumi: ok cool
[2014/10/07 11:06]  Justin Clark-Casey: low throttles do manifest in jerky mvmt
[2014/10/07 11:06]  Justin Clark-Casey: we'll just have to see how it feels
[2014/10/07 11:06]  Nebadon Izumi: ok
[2014/10/07 11:06]  Nebadon Izumi: makes sense
[2014/10/07 11:07]  Justin Clark-Casey: onec this bot stuff is stable I'll be doing much more testing to work out exactly whats going on
[2014/10/07 11:07]  Nebadon Izumi: ok cool
[2014/10/07 11:07]  Nebadon Izumi: just let me know if you need my bots in at any point
[2014/10/07 11:08]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok. I'm really hoping the remaining bot problems are due to peaks in thread contention without enough cpu to handle it. Otherwise it's a more complicated investigation
[2014/10/07 11:09]  Justin Clark-Casey: I have a steady 240 atm. I won't start putting them into kn1 until we get there
[2014/10/07 11:09]  Nebadon Izumi: ok
[2014/10/07 11:09]  Nebadon Izumi: i have 60 in now myself
[2014/10/07 11:09]  Nebadon Izumi: doing last 20 now
[2014/10/07 11:10]  Billy.Bradshaw Will these additional throttle controls remain in Opensim once pre OSCC testing is complete?
[2014/10/07 11:11]  Nebadon Izumi: yes
[2014/10/07 11:11]  Nebadon Izumi: everything we do will remain
[2014/10/07 11:11]  Justin Clark-Casey: all the debug stuff I've put in, yes. atm, there aren't any changes to actual code
[2014/10/07 11:11]  Mata Hari: it's mono only though, correct?
[2014/10/07 11:11]  Justin Clark-Casey: I need to understand exactly what's going on before making such changes
[2014/10/07 11:11]  Justin Clark-Casey: mata: no
[2014/10/07 11:12]  Mata Hari: the hope is some form of auto-throttling system in future?
[2014/10/07 11:12]  Justin Clark-Casey: mata: the default already auto-throttles. But it doesn't appear to work well under the load we see on the keynotes
[2014/10/07 11:12]  Nebadon Izumi: we already had that, but its working poorly under heavy loads
[2014/10/07 11:12]  Mata Hari: yeah, was just wondering about the trickle-down effect to the average sim
[2014/10/07 11:13]  Nebadon Izumi: it will still see some benefit with lower loads
[2014/10/07 11:13]  Nebadon Izumi: it just wont be as significant as it would be under heavy stress
[2014/10/07 11:13]  Mata Hari: would be really nice if login/tp can be throttled down in a region so it doesn't bring everything else to a grinding halt when someone enters
[2014/10/07 11:13]  Alicia.Raven would this fix the problems i was seeing with one user on a bad connection lagging the sim for other users?
[2014/10/07 11:13]  Justin Clark-Casey: mata: that is part of the currently conf specific code branch
[2014/10/07 11:14]  Justin Clark-Casey: alicia: there may be some effect, though it's tough to say
[2014/10/07 11:14]  Mata Hari: but of course that's going to mean even more 1st-attempt failed tps than already
[2014/10/07 11:15]  Billy.Bradshaw Need to clarify load, is that 10 avi with huge attachment payloads, or 50 ruth type avatars?
[2014/10/07 11:15]  Justin Clark-Casey: billy: who are you addressing?
[2014/10/07 11:15]  Billy.Bradshaw anyone?
[2014/10/07 11:16]  BlueWall.Slade is Online
[2014/10/07 11:16]  Justin Clark-Casey thinks this means no-one :)
[2014/10/07 11:16]  Nebadon Izumi: ok all 80 of my avatars are logged in Justin
[2014/10/07 11:16]  Mata Hari: hehe
[2014/10/07 11:17]  Mata Hari: to me, "load" varies depending on what's happening in the sim
[2014/10/07 11:17]  Justin Clark-Casey: the conference branch (ghosts) contains code to serialize attachment related operations on login instead of running them all at once
[2014/10/07 11:17]  Mata Hari: when someone enters the region "load" is getting and sending all that data
[2014/10/07 11:17]  Mata Hari: when population is static, load is more the heartbeat stuff
[2014/10/07 11:18]  Dahlia.Trimble is Online
[2014/10/07 11:18]  Mata Hari: not sure if that's accurate but it's how I tend to think f it
[2014/10/07 11:19]  Justin Clark-Casey: ideally, one might handle all jobs this way instead of some very bad stuff opensim does. But that's a difficult thing to rewrite and it's not cast iron that it would help
[2014/10/07 11:19]  Justin Clark-Casey: it also doesn't help when you're running lots of simulators rather than all regions in one or a few simulators
[2014/10/07 11:20]  Justin Clark-Casey: on the same box
[2014/10/07 11:20]  Justin Clark-Casey: or at least, I wouldn't expect it to help as much
[2014/10/07 11:20]  Dahlia.Trimble is Online
[2014/10/07 11:20]  Dahlia.Trimble hi
[2014/10/07 11:21]  Justin Clark-Casey: hi dahlia
[2014/10/07 11:21]  Mata Hari: hi Dahlia
[2014/10/07 11:21]  Alicia.Raven hi dahlia
[2014/10/07 11:21]  Shez.Oyen Hi Dahlia :)
[2014/10/07 11:21]  logger.Sewell Hi Dahlia
[2014/10/07 11:21]  Richardus.Raymaker hi dahlia
[2014/10/07 11:22]  Justin Clark-Casey: any other opensim topics today?
[2014/10/07 11:23]  Kayaker.Magic Is there any documentation about how "Get Top Scripts" works? How it measures script usage? (In the Region/Estate->Debug dialog).
[2014/10/07 11:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: kayaker: in terms of it not looking like what you would expect in sl?
[2014/10/07 11:24]  Andrew.Hellershanks Kayaker, you are expecting documentation? :)
[2014/10/07 11:24]  Kayaker.Magic LOL
[2014/10/07 11:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: somebody likes that crickets fx :)
[2014/10/07 11:24]  Kayaker.Magic Besides trying to read the source....
[2014/10/07 11:24]  Dahlia.Trimble documentation? *googles*...
[2014/10/07 11:25]  Justin Clark-Casey: kayaker: are you talking about how it works in general?
[2014/10/07 11:25]  vegaslon.plutonian in SL top scripts just show every script in region but in opensim it only shows a few
[2014/10/07 11:25]  Kayaker.Magic The scripts it shows varies from request to request,
[2014/10/07 11:25]  Nebadon Izumi: I doubt there is really any corellation of data between what opensim uses and what SL uses to determine that
[2014/10/07 11:25]  Kayaker.Magic the numbers for the same script varies from request to request
[2014/10/07 11:25]  Nebadon Izumi: its apples and oranges really
[2014/10/07 11:25]  Dahlia.Trimble does it matter who owns the script? or which parcel you are in?
[2014/10/07 11:26]  Richardus.Raymaker i weant pears
[2014/10/07 11:26]  Justin Clark-Casey: yes, I don't know how accurate it is. I can't work the same way as SL because of the way that scripting is done in separate threads
[2014/10/07 11:26]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2014/10/07 11:26]  Kayaker.Magic what can we tell about a script from these numbers?
[2014/10/07 11:26]  BlueWall.Slade the numbers are dynamic, as far as I can remember
[2014/10/07 11:26]  Dahlia.Trimble if it only shows the top cpu users, it could vafy
[2014/10/07 11:26]  Dahlia.Trimble *vary
[2014/10/07 11:26]  Justin Clark-Casey: kayaker: in theory, it should still indicate scripts that take more resources
[2014/10/07 11:26]  Richardus.Raymaker i think top scripts never worked really good. good enough to get some usefull data
[2014/10/07 11:26]  Nebadon Izumi: mostly all you can tell is that scripts with High # are lilely consuming then most amount of resources
[2014/10/07 11:26]  Nebadon Izumi: thats about it from OpenSim
[2014/10/07 11:26]  BlueWall.Slade they represent the values accumulated since the last look
[2014/10/07 11:26]  Entering god mode, level 144
[2014/10/07 11:26]  BlueWall.Slade that is what I remember them to be.
[2014/10/07 11:27]  Justin Clark-Casey: bluewall: no, I changed that since it was even less accurate...
[2014/10/07 11:27]  BlueWall.Slade ok
[2014/10/07 11:27]  Andrew.Hellershanks Richardus, useful enough that scripts in the top of the Top Scripts that have high runtimes need to be looked at
[2014/10/07 11:27]  BlueWall.Slade it has been a good while back since I looked at those
[2014/10/07 11:28]  Mata Hari: any word at all from Hiro or any hope of a status update on progress getting OSG back up? lots of disinformation/speculation floating around out there as I travel around so some sort of "official" word would be extremely welcomed by the various homeless refugees
[2014/10/07 11:28]  Justin Clark-Casey: kayaker: the busiest scripts should have higher times in general
[2014/10/07 11:28]  Andrew.Hellershanks Mata, the "official" word is the information shown on the osgrid site under the news section
[2014/10/07 11:29]  Mata Hari: I'm aware of that, Andrew
[2014/10/07 11:29]  BlueWall.Slade what would happen to if the same things happened to the server?
[2014/10/07 11:29]  BlueWall.Slade are we backed up?
[2014/10/07 11:29]  Shez.Oyen Does the "official" word resemble the truth?
[2014/10/07 11:29]  Justin Clark-Casey: bluewall: apparantly coyled is but I'm not sure that is certain. I have backups of key databases done manually very month
[2014/10/07 11:30]  Nebadon Izumi: what about the website code?
[2014/10/07 11:30]  BlueWall.Slade hmm
[2014/10/07 11:30]  Dahlia.Trimble official osgrid news:
[2014/10/07 11:30]  Justin Clark-Casey: wel,l that's mainly mediawiki, which is part of the backup
[2014/10/07 11:30]  Nebadon Izumi: ok
[2014/10/07 11:30]  BlueWall.Slade I have purged some of the old kernels
[2014/10/07 11:30]  BlueWall.Slade that is out main repo, etc too
[2014/10/07 11:30]  Justin Clark-Casey: bluewall: did you also need to force remove deb packages?
[2014/10/07 11:31]  Andrew.Hellershanks Mata, if you are hearing information about osgrid that isn't on the news page and doesn't come from nebadon, I'd think it best to not pay too much attention to it.
[2014/10/07 11:31]  Nebadon Izumi: personally i wouldnt count on coyleds backups working at this point
[2014/10/07 11:31]  Justin Clark-Casey: everybody with opensim git effectively has a copy of the main repo
[2014/10/07 11:31]  BlueWall.Slade It wanted me to remove soem other things, but I didn't
[2014/10/07 11:31]  Nebadon Izumi: actually the news likely wouldnt come from me, it would be from Hiro or Dan
[2014/10/07 11:31]  Mata Hari: my point was less "do I believe anything I hear" and more " it would be nice to hear something"
[2014/10/07 11:32]  Andrew.Hellershanks No news is good(?) news ??
[2014/10/07 11:32]  Shez.Oyen hardly
[2014/10/07 11:32]  Dahlia.Trimble Mata, agreed. There's been way too much silence on this issue
[2014/10/07 11:32]  Justin Clark-Casey: I don't know what's happening either - I'm just super busy with other work to ask
[2014/10/07 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: all I can say is I know things are progressing, things are going slowly to keep costs down
[2014/10/07 11:32]  BlueWall.Slade I notice we have newer kernels than we are running
[2014/10/07 11:32]  Justin Clark-Casey: but osgrid being down isn't that good because now master doesn't get anywhere near as much testing
[2014/10/07 11:32]  Mata Hari: the "news" from a week ago seems to suggest that the data is there, ready to rumble
[2014/10/07 11:32]  BlueWall.Slade I'm guessing that we have an automatic update and need to restart the server?
[2014/10/07 11:32]  Mata Hari: so people are wondering about timeframe
[2014/10/07 11:33]  Nebadon Izumi: we cant give any kind of time frame without just making it up
[2014/10/07 11:33]  Nebadon Izumi: I certainly can't anyway
[2014/10/07 11:33]  Justin Clark-Casey: bluewall: yeah, that always makes me neverous though it should be okay. When done might be worth making sure hiro is around since he can get us access to kvm if absolutely necessary
[2014/10/07 11:33]  BlueWall.Slade yep, we know nothing
[2014/10/07 11:33]  Justin Clark-Casey: bluewall: one of the last times it failed to come back up for me because of /root being full :)
[2014/10/07 11:33]  Dahlia.Trimble ever since Hiro took over services grid admin has been done pretty much in secret
[2014/10/07 11:33]  Justin Clark-Casey: so I had to manually go in via kvm and create space
[2014/10/07 11:33]  Dahlia.Trimble which is somewhat counter to open source philosophy
[2014/10/07 11:33]  BlueWall.Slade we are using 30% of that partition now
[2014/10/07 11:34]  Justin Clark-Casey: bluewall: sorry , /boot, not /root
[2014/10/07 11:34]  Andrew.Hellershanks The bigger problem with updates is whether the boot loader (ie. grub) configuration got changed.
[2014/10/07 11:34]  BlueWall.Slade it makes me a little wary
[2014/10/07 11:34]  BlueWall.Slade I'm not sure what the priority of OpenSimulator is in the chain of things
[2014/10/07 11:34]  Justin Clark-Casey: tbh, I think running osgrid can be a pretty thankless job
[2014/10/07 11:34]  Richardus.Raymaker uch, grub. brr
[2014/10/07 11:35]  Andrew.Hellershanks I keep a backup of the working boot loader config and check it against the live one before doing reboots.
[2014/10/07 11:35]  Justin Clark-Casey: bluewall: what do you mean?
[2014/10/07 11:35]  BlueWall.Slade administrative layers
[2014/10/07 11:35]  Justin Clark-Casey: what administrative layers are those?
[2014/10/07 11:35]  Andrew.Hellershanks Richardus, grub is fine. What I feel is "bad" is grub2.
[2014/10/07 11:36]  BlueWall.Slade if the server goes out, we have to go through others to get a restart, etc.
[2014/10/07 11:36]  Richardus.Raymaker grub and cloning of disks is already headace. lilo worked always perfect. sicne grub i never can clone. well dont use linux anymore to
[2014/10/07 11:36]  Justin Clark-Casey: right. It's through hiro because he (via adam) is paying for the server
[2014/10/07 11:36]  BlueWall.Slade yes
[2014/10/07 11:36]  BlueWall.Slade and that is appreciated.
[2014/10/07 11:37]  BlueWall.Slade I just hope, that in the event something happens, we can get it running again quickly
[2014/10/07 11:37]  Nebadon Izumi: we normally can
[2014/10/07 11:37]  Justin Clark-Casey: bluewall: yeah, it's not ideal
[2014/10/07 11:37]  Andrew.Hellershanks Richardus, LILO was a pain if you changed the config and forgot to run the update procedure before rebooting. Grub eliminated the need to do an update if the boot loader config changed. Grub2's config files are a huge mess compared to the cleanliness of grub1.
[2014/10/07 11:37]  BlueWall.Slade at any rate, I'll make sure Hiro is arround before I kick the server
[2014/10/07 11:37]  Justin Clark-Casey nods
[2014/10/07 11:37]  BlueWall.Slade I need to do a little more research
[2014/10/07 11:38]  Dahlia.Trimble the servers are funded by donations
[2014/10/07 11:38]  Justin Clark-Casey: bluewall: yeah, definitely needs the kick. Should also update mediawiki again some time
[2014/10/07 11:38]  BlueWall.Slade we have a lot of things that are very old ther, services, etc.
[2014/10/07 11:38]  Justin Clark-Casey nods
[2014/10/07 11:38]  Justin Clark-Casey: I did update because of shellshock recently and that did pull up some things
[2014/10/07 11:38]  BlueWall.Slade I want to make user everything is set to run
[2014/10/07 11:39]  BlueWall.Slade make sure*
[2014/10/07 11:39]  BlueWall.Slade I need to figure out ciabot for that?
[2014/10/07 11:39]  Justin Clark-Casey: everything should come back auto on reboot. It did last time I rebooted
[2014/10/07 11:39]  Justin Clark-Casey: but i can't tell you exactly where all config is done
[2014/10/07 11:39]  BlueWall.Slade ok, cool
[2014/10/07 11:39]  Justin Clark-Casey: bluewall: in the case of ciabot, this is triggered via git hooks so there is no service to run
[2014/10/07 11:40]  BlueWall.Slade yep, it must be in /etc/rc.d
[2014/10/07 11:40]  BlueWall.Slade ahhh, ok
[2014/10/07 11:40]  BlueWall.Slade that os doesn't use the systemctl yet
[2014/10/07 11:41]  Justin Clark-Casey: it's an lts ubuntu I think, still in service but old
[2014/10/07 11:41]  BlueWall.Slade cool, I feel better about booting it.
[2014/10/07 11:41]  Dahlia.Trimble ubuntu is usually 2 year support for a x.04 version I think
[2014/10/07 11:41]  Dahlia.Trimble a "LTS" version
[2014/10/07 11:41]  BlueWall.Slade the ghost branch, will those things hit master after the conference?
[2014/10/07 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: some things in ghost already have
[2014/10/07 11:42]  Justin Clark-Casey: yes. Some of the stuff is hacks that I need to do properly. Other stuff I need to think carefully about how they apply to the general situation
[2014/10/07 11:42]  Justin Clark-Casey: rather than high load specific needs
[2014/10/07 11:42]  Justin Clark-Casey: it's probably fine but I want to think it through
[2014/10/07 11:42]  BlueWall.Slade +=
[2014/10/07 11:43]  BlueWall.Slade lot of good work ther, thanks
[2014/10/07 11:43]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, have tackled a lot of problems but others keep popping up. Running high loads gets exponentially harder
[2014/10/07 11:44]  Dahlia.Trimble ever looked at moving asset delivery to a web server?
[2014/10/07 11:44]  BlueWall.Slade was a var region tried to see if clipping child agents helped?
[2014/10/07 11:44]  Dahlia.Trimble I remember intel did that
[2014/10/07 11:45]  Nebadon Izumi: they did that with Simian
[2014/10/07 11:45]  Justin Clark-Casey: neb: we're doing that here already, right?
[2014/10/07 11:45]  Dahlia.Trimble ya Simian
[2014/10/07 11:45]  Nebadon Izumi: what do you mean?
[2014/10/07 11:45]  Justin Clark-Casey: when you request an asset it goes straight to asset service and not through simulators?
[2014/10/07 11:45]  Justin Clark-Casey: textures, I mean
[2014/10/07 11:45]  Nebadon Izumi: yes textures
[2014/10/07 11:45]  Justin Clark-Casey: right
[2014/10/07 11:45]  Nebadon Izumi: they bypass simulators
[2014/10/07 11:45]  Nebadon Izumi: we use cap to redirect
[2014/10/07 11:46]  Dahlia.Trimble we do?
[2014/10/07 11:46]  Dahlia.Trimble or we can
[2014/10/07 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: this grid does
[2014/10/07 11:46]  Dahlia.Trimble ah ok
[2014/10/07 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi whispers: can and does :)
[2014/10/07 11:46]  BlueWall.Slade that is pretty generic, right?
[2014/10/07 11:46]  Justin Clark-Casey: it's some obscure config
[2014/10/07 11:46]  Justin Clark-Casey: not extra code
[2014/10/07 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: yea its just changing it from localhost to your URL basically
[2014/10/07 11:46]  BlueWall.Slade right
[2014/10/07 11:46]  Dahlia.Trimble robust handles it?
[2014/10/07 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: yes
[2014/10/07 11:46]  Justin Clark-Casey: then you need to have the cap active on the robust side
[2014/10/07 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: we have 4 texture robust consoles running
[2014/10/07 11:46]  Mata Hari: is there any way to do a console "rebake" of attachments? force update only seems to refresh objects rezzed to scene
[2014/10/07 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: they do nothing but serve out textures
[2014/10/07 11:47]  Justin Clark-Casey: mata: you don't rebake attachments
[2014/10/07 11:47]  Mata Hari: well...a "force update of attachments" is what I mean
[2014/10/07 11:47]  Justin Clark-Casey feels pedantic
[2014/10/07 11:47]  Justin Clark-Casey: mata: what do you mean by 'force update'?
[2014/10/07 11:47]  Mata Hari: people arrive in a busy region, textures of attachments never get sent, they remain white until you relog
[2014/10/07 11:48]  Mata Hari: if that happens with other objects in the scene (rezzed to ground) the console "force update" seems to fix it
[2014/10/07 11:48]  Mata Hari: but it doesn't fix that issue for attachments
[2014/10/07 11:49]  Nebadon Izumi: ya attachments are trickier for sure
[2014/10/07 11:49]  Mata Hari: the only way to do it is manually right-click every single one and use viewer texture refresh
[2014/10/07 11:49]  Justin Clark-Casey: you've tried "appearance send"?
[2014/10/07 11:50]  Mata Hari: yes, that only refreshes worn object textures but not attachments
[2014/10/07 11:50]  Mata Hari: or seems to
[2014/10/07 11:51]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok. yeah, I suspect there's no command that can reach those atm
[2014/10/07 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: wasnt there a setting you could set in OpenSIm.ini
[2014/10/07 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: to send out refreshes
[2014/10/07 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: on a timer based thing
[2014/10/07 11:51]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, but that's appearance
[2014/10/07 11:51]  Mata Hari: again, only affects worn textures
[2014/10/07 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: ah
[2014/10/07 11:52]  Mata Hari: okies....just wondered if I was missing something obvious
[2014/10/07 11:52]  Mata Hari: in a busy region is isn't uncommon to see almost 0 attachment textures if there are several people logging in quite close (in time) to one another
[2014/10/07 11:53]  Mata Hari: so maybe a case of some race condition forgetting to send them or something
[2014/10/07 11:53]  Justin Clark-Casey: mata: I would say next opensim release should improve that
[2014/10/07 11:53]  Justin Clark-Casey: mata: is this a busy region you run?
[2014/10/07 11:53]  Mata Hari: it's happening with current git
[2014/10/07 11:53]  Mata Hari: it happens all over the place
[2014/10/07 11:53]  Justin Clark-Casey: yes, the change I have in mind is in ghosts only atm
[2014/10/07 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: have you disabled adaptive throttle?
[2014/10/07 11:54]  Mata Hari: in my sim, yes
[2014/10/07 11:54]  Nebadon Izumi: k
[2014/10/07 11:54]  Mata Hari: not sure about other sims I visit
[2014/10/07 11:54]  Nebadon Izumi: what about Interest Management what settings are you currently using?
[2014/10/07 11:54]  Mata Hari: but problem exists in both
[2014/10/07 11:54]  Justin Clark-Casey: well, adaptive throttle needs to be looked at. It may well be way too harsh in reducing throttle if a series of packets get lost in quick succession but this is just a temporary glitch
[2014/10/07 11:54]  Nebadon Izumi: bottom of OpenSim.ini
[2014/10/07 11:55]  Justin Clark-Casey: personally, I've only seen issues with it on the keynotes
[2014/10/07 11:55]  Mata Hari: @Neb: FrontBack
[2014/10/07 11:55]  Nebadon Izumi: ok
[2014/10/07 11:55]  Dahlia.Trimble issues with throttling?
[2014/10/07 11:55]  Justin Clark-Casey: yes
[2014/10/07 11:56]  Nebadon Izumi: you might have better luck with BestAvatarAppearance in your case Mata
[2014/10/07 11:56]  Nebadon Izumi: give it a try and see if things improve
[2014/10/07 11:56]  Dahlia.Trimble it could be an artifact of the bots
[2014/10/07 11:56]  Justin Clark-Casey: no, this has been seen with no bots
[2014/10/07 11:56]  Mata Hari: my sim is rarely busy enough to run into that issue
[2014/10/07 11:57]  Mata Hari: I'm talking mostly about regions where there are maybe 10-15 avi already present and then another 2-5 tp in within a short span of time
[2014/10/07 11:57]  Dahlia.Trimble well my sims dont win any popularity contests either
[2014/10/07 11:57]  Justin Clark-Casey: there's a big issue with sim running on all kinds of hardware and networks
[2014/10/07 11:58]  Mata Hari: yes, I can imagine
[2014/10/07 11:58]  Mata Hari: think maybe the best "fix" is some way to resend/refresh like the rebake and force updates do
[2014/10/07 11:58]  Dahlia.Trimble what does it call packet loss? a resend timeout?
[2014/10/07 11:58]  Mata Hari: and then put it on a timer to do it once in a while
[2014/10/07 11:58]  Justin Clark-Casey: yes, but you don't really want to be doing it manually
[2014/10/07 11:58]  Justin Clark-Casey: dahlia: a reliable receipt timeout
[2014/10/07 11:58]  Dahlia.Trimble because viewers can freeze with lots of avatars
[2014/10/07 11:59]  Nebadon Izumi: brb getting a drink of water before load test
[2014/10/07 11:59]  BlueWall.Slade ++
[2014/10/07 11:59]  Justin Clark-Casey: if a viewer is frozen the user will be having a pretty shitty time anyway
[2014/10/07 11:59]  Mata Hari: or tie it into rebake somehow so when avi rebakes it's not just appearance but also attachments
[2014/10/07 11:59]  Dahlia.Trimble viewers often freeze momentarily
[2014/10/07 11:59]  Justin Clark-Casey: mata: well, that's the approach taken with appearance send, but then you run into issues where there are lots of avatars
[2014/10/07 11:59]  Justin Clark-Casey: you end up sending out a lot of data
[2014/10/07 12:00]  Dahlia.Trimble it can just be a swap
[2014/10/07 12:00]  BlueWall.Slade does the throttle back off if conditions improve?
[2014/10/07 12:00]  Justin Clark-Casey: yes, but quite slowly
[2014/10/07 12:00]  Dahlia.Trimble but it would shut down netowrk processing until the freeze clears
[2014/10/07 12:00]  Mata Hari: sure, but currently the "fix" is log out, then log back in....that's even nastier isn't it?
[2014/10/07 12:00]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok, I'm going to the keynotes
[2014/10/07 12:00]  Dahlia.Trimble so with lots of avatars, the odds of viewer freezes goes way up
[2014/10/07 12:01]  Justin Clark-Casey: see you over there if you're coming
[2014/10/07 12:01]  Justin Clark-Casey waves
[2014/10/07 12:01]  Region found!
[2014/10/07 12:01]  Region found!
[2014/10/07 12:01]  Teleport completed from https://2013_opensim_com/region/Staff%20Zone%201/141/62/85
[2014/10/07 12:01]  Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[2014/10/07 12:01]  Connected
[2014/10/07 12:02]  Mata Hari: interesting....this time KN1 was much faster to rez for me than KN2-4
[2014/10/07 12:02]  Mata Hari: usually it's the other way around
[2014/10/07 12:03]  BlueWall.Slade is Online
[2014/10/07 12:03]  Nebadon Izumi: loading fast today
[2014/10/07 12:03]  Mata Hari: yes
[2014/10/07 12:03]  Justin Clark-Casey: there's a reason for that but let's not get into it now
[2014/10/07 12:03]  Nebadon Izumi: like almost instantly
[2014/10/07 12:03]  Nebadon Izumi: thats unusual
[2014/10/07 12:04]  Nebadon Izumi: heh ok justin, i probably already know what you mean
[2014/10/07 12:04]  BlueWall.Slade this regions rezzed really fast
[2014/10/07 12:04]  Nebadon Izumi: ya
[2014/10/07 12:04]  BlueWall.Slade before the neighbors
[2014/10/07 12:04]  BlueWall.Slade that is good :)
[2014/10/07 12:04]  Nebadon Izumi: yes very unusual for sure
[2014/10/07 12:04]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok, current load is already 334 agents. For variuos reasons I logged in many bots earlier today
[2014/10/07 12:04]  Alicia.Raven gotta go afk but will leave my av here, bye :)
[2014/10/07 12:04]  Justin Clark-Casey: thanks alicia
[2014/10/07 12:05]  Justin Clark-Casey: how is mvmt. mine stutters a bit
[2014/10/07 12:05]  Dahlia.Trimble I'm getting viewer freezes just camming around and I have a fairly high-end compter
[2014/10/07 12:05]  Nebadon Izumi: slight stutter, but otherwise great
[2014/10/07 12:05]  Mata Hari: when a lot of poeple were all tping over here it was rubber banding but now it's fine
[2014/10/07 12:05]  Jessica.Pixel I'm moving fine. :]
[2014/10/07 12:05]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, login is still harsh
[2014/10/07 12:06]  Nebadon Izumi: ya i suspect the lag i feel is people logging in
[2014/10/07 12:06]  Justin Clark-Casey: ther eis a bit of persistent
[2014/10/07 12:06]  Justin Clark-Casey: might settle down
[2014/10/07 12:06]  Nebadon Izumi takes a bit of pumpkin donut
[2014/10/07 12:06]  Nebadon Izumi: feels pretty smooth to me
[2014/10/07 12:07]  vegaslon.plutonian pumpkin spice has took over the world
[2014/10/07 12:07]  Justin Clark-Casey: I'm hping (fingers crossed) that going up another ec2 size has improved bot connectio nstability
[2014/10/07 12:07]  Justin Clark-Casey: it has so far
[2014/10/07 12:07]  Nebadon Izumi: nice
[2014/10/07 12:07]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok, bit of bad lag
[2014/10/07 12:07]  Nebadon Izumi: none here
[2014/10/07 12:08]  Jessica.Pixel i'm getting movement lag now
[2014/10/07 12:08]  Jessica.Pixel A little rubberbanding
[2014/10/07 12:08]  Nebadon Izumi: i got a bit of lag ther
[2014/10/07 12:08]  Sun Tzu: I got region is full a minute ago
[2014/10/07 12:08]  Dahlia.Trimble choppy movement for me
[2014/10/07 12:08]  Nebadon Izumi: ebut i also got a friend notice of someone coming on line right as lag started
[2014/10/07 12:08]  Justin Clark-Casey: all other keynotes are full atm
[2014/10/07 12:08]  Mata Hari: we'll probably take turns experiencing lag....seemed to go that way in past tests
[2014/10/07 12:08]  Justin Clark-Casey: I should probably back that off by 5 bots
[2014/10/07 12:09]  Jessica.Pixel I need to TP home right quick to grab a UUID. I'll let you know how it goes coming back.
[2014/10/07 12:09]  Nebadon Izumi: ah ya i never did sit my bots down
[2014/10/07 12:09]  Nebadon Izumi: oh well
[2014/10/07 12:09]  Nebadon Izumi: no need
[2014/10/07 12:09]  Justin Clark-Casey: good point, I didn't on mine either
[2014/10/07 12:09]  Justin Clark-Casey: might do that in a bit and see if that helps
[2014/10/07 12:09]  Nebadon Izumi: ya
[2014/10/07 12:09]  Nebadon Izumi: right now it feels really good to me
[2014/10/07 12:10]  Sun Tzu: only took me 2 requests to TP to make it to Keynote 1
[2014/10/07 12:10]  Mata Hari: yes....completely acceptable considering the number of agents
[2014/10/07 12:10]  Nebadon.Izumi the screen sync between my 2 avatars is perfect
[2014/10/07 12:11]  Nebadon.Izumi tahts how i can tell things are working considerably better
[2014/10/07 12:11]  Justin Clark-Casey: phew,. though I had bot drop off for a second before remembering I just logged 5 off each other region
[2014/10/07 12:11]  Jessica.Pixel I had to try twice to TP back in :x
[2014/10/07 12:11]  Shez.Oyen Couldn't get here from Staff.. had to go home ant TP from there
[2014/10/07 12:11]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, need to do work on hg if possible
[2014/10/07 12:11]  Justin Clark-Casey: before conf
[2014/10/07 12:12]  Nebadon.Izumi im amazed how in sync myn 2 viewers are with animations
[2014/10/07 12:12]  Nebadon.Izumi its absolutely perfect
[2014/10/07 12:12]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok, going to bring this region up to 95
[2014/10/07 12:12]  Sun Tzu: It must be the katana
[2014/10/07 12:13]  Sun Tzu: certified to cut thr any lag
[2014/10/07 12:13]  Ange Menges: sit on a prim underwater lol
[2014/10/07 12:14]  Shez.Oyen oops
[2014/10/07 12:14]  Nebadon.Izumi i dont ever recall having 2 screens side by side being so perfectly synced with animations
[2014/10/07 12:15]  Justin Clark-Casey: hoepfully that means we have little packet loss then :)
[2014/10/07 12:15]  Nebadon.Izumi there always was some slight lag
[2014/10/07 12:15]  Billy.Bradshaw The bots are arriving at 5 sec intervals, not been able to measure that before
[2014/10/07 12:15]  Justin Clark-Casey: yep, that's the itnerval
[2014/10/07 12:15]  Justin Clark-Casey: I used to do it more frequently but then bots have issues comlpeting connections to neighbours
[2014/10/07 12:15]  Justin Clark-Casey: so instead I am now logging them into all regions at once but each region has a 5sec interval
[2014/10/07 12:15]  Justin Clark-Casey: which appears to work
[2014/10/07 12:17]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok neb, I'm going to increase max on each region to 105, just so that I can hit 400 but still allow real ppl to login
[2014/10/07 12:17]  Justin Clark-Casey: at some stage I want to improve pCampbot to manage number of connections automatically but haven' thad time yet
[2014/10/07 12:17]  Nebadon Izumi: sure
[2014/10/07 12:17]  Nebadon Izumi: ya lets push it hard as we can
[2014/10/07 12:18]  Nebadon Izumi: heh little lag for a moment
[2014/10/07 12:18]  Justin Clark-Casey: ah a pity, it won't let me, possibly the hardcoded limit is 100
[2014/10/07 12:18]  Nebadon Izumi: really
[2014/10/07 12:18]  Sun Tzu: I logged in at 7 mins past hour and it was smooth
[2014/10/07 12:18]  Sun Tzu whispers: from East Coast USA
[2014/10/07 12:19]  Nebadon Izumi: laggggg
[2014/10/07 12:19]  Nebadon Izumi: nice
[2014/10/07 12:19]  vegaslon.plutonian ya
[2014/10/07 12:19]  Nebadon Izumi: GC maybe
[2014/10/07 12:19]  Nebadon Izumi: wonder what happened there
[2014/10/07 12:20]  Nebadon Izumi: lag fest all the sudden though
[2014/10/07 12:20]  Mata Hari: definite rubber-banding for me now
[2014/10/07 12:20]  Shez.Oyen rubberbanding
[2014/10/07 12:20]  Justin Clark-Casey: yes, ltot of lag
[2014/10/07 12:20]  Nebadon Izumi: did you change anything?
[2014/10/07 12:20]  Justin Clark-Casey: 1
[2014/10/07 12:20]  Justin Clark-Casey: 3
[2014/10/07 12:20]  Shez.Oyen frozen
[2014/10/07 12:20]  Justin Clark-Casey: out of order
[2014/10/07 12:21]  Sun Tzu: A
[2014/10/07 12:21]  Justin Clark-Casey: not really
[2014/10/07 12:21]  Justin Clark-Casey: 2
[2014/10/07 12:21]  Sun Tzu: B
[2014/10/07 12:21]  Sun Tzu: C
[2014/10/07 12:21]  Sun Tzu whispers: E
[2014/10/07 12:21]  Sun Tzu: F
[2014/10/07 12:21]  Mata Hari: massive movement lag now
[2014/10/07 12:21]  Sun Tzu: D
[2014/10/07 12:21]  Justin Clark-Casey: a
[2014/10/07 12:21]  Justin Clark-Casey: c
[2014/10/07 12:21]  Nebadon Izumi: you just logged more bots in here?
[2014/10/07 12:21]  Mata Hari: and when I start to move I won't stop for 20-30 seconds on my screen
[2014/10/07 12:21]  Justin Clark-Casey: b
[2014/10/07 12:22]  Mata Hari: now frozen completely
[2014/10/07 12:22]  Justin Clark-Casey: hmm
[2014/10/07 12:22]  Nebadon Izumi: ya cpu is a little high on Keynote 1
[2014/10/07 12:23]  Mata Hari: 12:22
[2014/10/07 12:23]  Justin Clark-Casey: 1
[2014/10/07 12:23]  Justin Clark-Casey: 2
[2014/10/07 12:23]  Justin Clark-Casey: 3
[2014/10/07 12:23]  Mata Hari: chat lag about 15 seconds
[2014/10/07 12:23]  vegaslon.plutonian hmm the kind of lag that happens when your veiwer is not sending all the packets. etc.. does not send a movement stop when you stop pressing keys
[2014/10/07 12:23]  Justin Clark-Casey: 1
[2014/10/07 12:23]  Justin Clark-Casey: 2
[2014/10/07 12:23]  Justin Clark-Casey: 3
[2014/10/07 12:23]  Justin Clark-Casey: 4
[2014/10/07 12:23]  Justin Clark-Casey: 5
[2014/10/07 12:23]  Justin Clark-Casey: 6
[2014/10/07 12:23]  Justin Clark-Casey: 1
[2014/10/07 12:23]  Justin Clark-Casey: 2
[2014/10/07 12:23]  Justin Clark-Casey: 3
[2014/10/07 12:23]  Nebadon Izumi: wonder what happened, it was going so well
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Mata Hari: lag for saying "chat lag was 15 seconds" was close to a minute
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Nebadon Izumi: oh there we go?
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Richardus.Raymaker 1
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Nebadon Izumi: something cleared out
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Richardus.Raymaker 2
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Richardus.Raymaker 3
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Richardus.Raymaker 4
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Richardus.Raymaker 5
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Richardus.Raymaker 6
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Richardus.Raymaker 7
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Richardus.Raymaker 8
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Richardus.Raymaker 9
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Mata Hari: and that one was almost instant
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Nebadon Izumi: hmm maybe not heh
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: I suspect it might have been some overload of requests
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Cheopss Forlife7: Hello everyone (just for testing the chat)
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: from new avatars
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Mata Hari: garbage collection?
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: no,
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Nebadon Izumi: well feels like full recovery whatever happened
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: interesting
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: clearly work still to do
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: but at least we didn't lose any connections
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: we are not at 381
[2014/10/07 12:24]  Nebadon Izumi: ya
[2014/10/07 12:25]  Justin Clark-Casey: now
[2014/10/07 12:25]  Mata Hari: yes, almost back to normal again
[2014/10/07 12:25]  Nebadon Izumi: that was a good recovery for sure
[2014/10/07 12:25]  Ange Menges: lag here lag there la everywhere
[2014/10/07 12:25]  Justin Clark-Casey: hopefully that will show up in the stats though I suspect I may need to increase their frequency
[2014/10/07 12:26]  Justin Clark-Casey: it's always interesting you can get overload like that (where scene ft also goes up) without actually having particularly high cpu
[2014/10/07 12:26]  Mata Hari: do things get stacked up in a queue somewhere?
[2014/10/07 12:27]  Justin Clark-Casey: there are queues, ubt the problem is likely the opposite - too many things are attempted at once and not queued
[2014/10/07 12:27]  Mata Hari: ah
[2014/10/07 12:28]  Justin Clark-Casey: but yeah, response feels like it was now. I also sat all my bots though I don't think that's the issue
[2014/10/07 12:30]  Justin Clark-Casey: but good bot stability now, not lost any yet
[2014/10/07 12:30]  Nebadon.Izumi 5
[2014/10/07 12:30]  Nebadon.Izumi awesome justin
[2014/10/07 12:30]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah looks like (fingers crossed) it was simply overloading the servers and so there was thread starvation for some bots
[2014/10/07 12:31]  Justin Clark-Casey: for which the lazy/quickest solution is more cores :0
[2014/10/07 12:32]  Justin Clark-Casey: in a few minutes I will load up to near 400 for a bit again
[2014/10/07 12:32]  Justin Clark-Casey: there is chat lag
[2014/10/07 12:32]  Nebadon Izumi: ok cool
[2014/10/07 12:33]  Justin Clark-Casey: that lag was likely login related
[2014/10/07 12:34]  Justin Clark-Casey: I also had to do some slightly unsavoury things with throttles today - manually setting appears to sort of work but I still need to udnetstand exactly what's happening underneath
[2014/10/07 12:35]  Justin Clark-Casey: haaaaa
[2014/10/07 12:35]  Justin Clark-Casey: all my kn4 bots fell of because of a hard mnono crash - possibly out of memory
[2014/10/07 12:35]  Richardus.Raymaker 0pfff
[2014/10/07 12:36]  Nebadon Izumi: uh oh
[2014/10/07 12:36]  Nebadon Izumi: appear to have a Radegast error
[2014/10/07 12:36]  Nebadon Izumi: i think i may be loosing some bots
[2014/10/07 12:36]  Nebadon Izumi: oh i think i only lost 1
[2014/10/07 12:36]  Nebadon Izumi: not too bad
[2014/10/07 12:37]  BlueWall.Slade 1
[2014/10/07 12:37]  BlueWall.Slade 2
[2014/10/07 12:37]  BlueWall.Slade 3
[2014/10/07 12:37]  BlueWall.Slade 4
[2014/10/07 12:37]  BlueWall.Slade 5
[2014/10/07 12:37]  BlueWall.Slade 7
[2014/10/07 12:37]  BlueWall.Slade 6
[2014/10/07 12:37]  BlueWall.Slade 8
[2014/10/07 12:37]  BlueWall.Slade 9
[2014/10/07 12:37]  BlueWall.Slade 0
[2014/10/07 12:37]  Richardus.Raymaker 768 ?
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, I'm very marginal on memory on these ec2 instances now, another thing learnt today
[2014/10/07 12:38]  BlueWall.Slade they get shuffled sometimes
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Justin Clark-Casey: probably going to lose kn3 bots shortly
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Richardus.Raymaker 1
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Richardus.Raymaker 2
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Richardus.Raymaker 3
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Richardus.Raymaker 4
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Richardus.Raymaker 5
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Richardus.Raymaker 6
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Richardus.Raymaker 7
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Richardus.Raymaker 8
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Richardus.Raymaker 9
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Richardus.Raymaker 0
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Mata Hari: 0
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Mata Hari: 9
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Mata Hari: 8
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Mata Hari: 7
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Justin Clark-Casey: there they go
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Mata Hari: 6
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Mata Hari: 5
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Mata Hari: 4
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Mata Hari: 3
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Mata Hari: 2
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Mata Hari: 1
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Richardus.Raymaker well, i need togo. bye all
[2014/10/07 12:38]  Justin Clark-Casey: bye richardus
[2014/10/07 12:38]  BlueWall.Slade bye RiRa
[2014/10/07 12:39]  Shez.Oyen cya Rich
[2014/10/07 12:39]  Mata Hari: bye Rich
[2014/10/07 12:39]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok, I'm just going to try restarting bots and try to hit 400 for a while. Will have to address this memory issue
[2014/10/07 12:39]  Stephen Xootfly is Online
[2014/10/07 12:39]  Nebadon.Izumi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[2014/10/07 12:40]  Nebadon Izumi: i kind of wish your bots were visible
[2014/10/07 12:40]  Nebadon Izumi: and not gas clouds
[2014/10/07 12:40]  Justin Clark-Casey: yes, simply haven't got round to fixing that
[2014/10/07 12:41]  Nebadon Izumi: shame we cant just keep logging the same 20 bots in
[2014/10/07 12:41]  Nebadon Izumi: over and and over
[2014/10/07 12:41]  Justin Clark-Casey: ha
[2014/10/07 12:41]  Nebadon Izumi: no limit
[2014/10/07 12:42]  vegaslon.plutonian hmm what is limiting us from doing that?
[2014/10/07 12:42]  Nebadon Izumi: not sure
[2014/10/07 12:42]  Nebadon Izumi: but that would make things so much easier
[2014/10/07 12:42]  vegaslon.plutonian there is no viewer reason
[2014/10/07 12:42]  Justin Clark-Casey: er, you cna't just 20 the same 20 bots
[2014/10/07 12:42]  Justin Clark-Casey: they would all need different uuids for starters
[2014/10/07 12:42]  Nebadon Izumi: yea
[2014/10/07 12:43]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok, just lost kn2 bots due to out of memory
[2014/10/07 12:43]  Justin Clark-Casey: this is a pCampbot issue
[2014/10/07 12:43]  Nebadon Izumi: is that a 32 bit app? or is it flexible with mono?
[2014/10/07 12:43]  Justin Clark-Casey: takes 8m20s to get 100 bots in at 5s per bot
[2014/10/07 12:43]  Justin Clark-Casey: nebadon: no, it's leaking mem somewhere, either up in pCampbot portion or down in libomv
[2014/10/07 12:44]  Justin Clark-Casey: probably wil have to hunt that down
[2014/10/07 12:44]  Nebadon Izumi: ok
[2014/10/07 12:44]  Nebadon Izumi: even with the maybe 2-3 minutes of lag we had today, this was absolutely awesome test today
[2014/10/07 12:44]  Justin Clark-Casey: so I'm just going to connect back to 400. Should be possibly to get there since we won't run out of memory again for another hour or so, but kn1 might fall off soon
[2014/10/07 12:44]  Nebadon Izumi: most noticeable was upon arrival
[2014/10/07 12:44]  Nebadon Izumi: i mean man ive never seen these regions load that fast
[2014/10/07 12:45]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, now need to investigate what triggers that lag. I do suspect it's still a lot of simultaneous requests somewhere, possibly tirggered by something unique to hg
[2014/10/07 12:45]  BlueWall.Slade ++
[2014/10/07 12:45]  Justin Clark-Casey: nebadon: that's what happens when I play around with throttles ;)
[2014/10/07 12:45]  Nebadon Izumi: heh ya im glad we are
[2014/10/07 12:45]  Nebadon Izumi: because man, good stuff
[2014/10/07 12:45]  BlueWall.Slade I think this is the first time that the region my avatar is in rezzewd first
[2014/10/07 12:45]  Stephen Xootfly: Hi All. I'm going to park here but I NEED to go get coffee......
[2014/10/07 12:45]  Nebadon Izumi: whats the point of 24 cores and gigabit inernet if hyour just gonna throttle it down to nothing hehe
[2014/10/07 12:45]  Justin Clark-Casey: hi stephen
[2014/10/07 12:46]  Justin Clark-Casey: bluwall: yeah, keynote 1 is currently much friendlier. You would not see that in any other kn currently
[2014/10/07 12:46]  BlueWall.Slade that s ugood wna vaat ge t get drig y
[2014/10/07 12:46]  BlueWall.Slade loaaa ct lat s .
[2014/10/07 12:47]  Justin Clark-Casey: bluewall: feeling okay?
[2014/10/07 12:47]  Nebadon Izumi: what the hevck
[2014/10/07 12:47]  Nebadon Izumi: i fell through ground wheni erased my object
[2014/10/07 12:47]  Billy.Bradshaw cheap imported meds
[2014/10/07 12:47]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2014/10/07 12:47]  Jessica.Pixel I hope that wasn't a stroke...
[2014/10/07 12:48]  Dahlia.Trimble next time use expensive imported meds
[2014/10/07 12:49]  vegaslon.plutonian has a firefly quote come to mind
[2014/10/07 12:50]  vegaslon.plutonian Wash: Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?
[2014/10/07 12:50]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2014/10/07 12:50]  BlueWall.Slade is Offline
[2014/10/07 12:51]  Nebadon Izumi: i teleported my HG guy home
[2014/10/07 12:51]  Nebadon Izumi: teleporting him back now
[2014/10/07 12:51]  Nebadon Izumi: he made it both ways
[2014/10/07 12:52]  Justin Clark-Casey: it might be some combination of hg network variability, attachments, cached assets, etc.
[2014/10/07 12:52]  Billy.Bradshaw With this number of avatars Firestorm is using 1.6 G of memory, not a cheap sport.
[2014/10/07 12:52]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, I'm actually a little surprised viewers are okay
[2014/10/07 12:52]  Justin Clark-Casey: but I guess we're not pushing the bounds beyond what sl can do
[2014/10/07 12:52]  vegaslon.plutonian if the bots where not clouds it would be worse
[2014/10/07 12:52]  BlueWall.Slade is Online
[2014/10/07 12:53]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, that's an issue
[2014/10/07 12:53]  Justin Clark-Casey: though bots are pretty plain. I syuspect nebadon like bots with lots of attachments would be an issue
[2014/10/07 12:53]  Dahlia.Trimble cant rebake the bots?
[2014/10/07 12:53]  Justin Clark-Casey: or could be an issue, rather
[2014/10/07 12:53]  Justin Clark-Casey: no, and I don't know if that would help
[2014/10/07 12:54]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok, 397
[2014/10/07 12:54]  Justin Clark-Casey: going to hold it here for a bit, not going to fill this regon completely
[2014/10/07 12:54]  Billy.Bradshaw 400 - 3 yeah fireworks ********
[2014/10/07 12:55]  Primitive: Script running
[2014/10/07 12:55]  BlueWall.Slade testing 1234
[2014/10/07 12:55]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok lag
[2014/10/07 12:55]  Aine.Caoimhe inbound HG was very fast but I think everything was already cached here
[2014/10/07 12:55]  Justin Clark-Casey: neb: you see all those get mesh requests on the kn1 console?
[2014/10/07 12:55]  vegaslon.plutonian if secondlife put thought into avatar limits in a region they would realize that a veiwer has the possibility of displaying 900 avatars at once
[2014/10/07 12:55]  Justin Clark-Casey: aine: you were a lot of mesh attachments?
[2014/10/07 12:56]  Aine.Caoimhe yes
[2014/10/07 12:56]  Aine.Caoimhe 100% mesh except hair
[2014/10/07 12:56]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok, thanks
[2014/10/07 12:56]  Billy.Bradshaw I see those at this end, loads of mess
[2014/10/07 12:56]  Justin Clark-Casey: I wonder if we could feed those directly to robust in the same way as GetTexture
[2014/10/07 12:56]  Dahlia.Trimble often Aine's avatar only partially rezzes for me. like I only see hair and shoes
[2014/10/07 12:56]  Dahlia.Trimble but no cloud
[2014/10/07 12:57]  Aine.Caoimhe and I can't rebake if of course becasue it's all attachments
[2014/10/07 12:57]  Aine.Caoimhe my "bake" is Ruth + alpha
[2014/10/07 12:57]  Dahlia.Trimble lots of movement lag now
[2014/10/07 12:57]  Nebadon Izumi: im playing a video on the screen
[2014/10/07 12:58]  Shez.Oyen see and hear it fine.. no lag there
[2014/10/07 12:58]  Dahlia.Trimble wont start for me
[2014/10/07 12:58]  Nebadon Izumi: its flash
[2014/10/07 12:59]  Nebadon Izumi: its using old media URL
[2014/10/07 12:59]  vegaslon.plutonian says it nees flash or html5 veiwer
[2014/10/07 12:59]  Nebadon Izumi: should work on most modern viewers that can play flash stuff
[2014/10/07 12:59]  Shez.Oyen Works with Replex
[2014/10/07 12:59]  Dahlia.Trimble I get music, but no video
[2014/10/07 12:59]  Simona.Summers works oke here the video
[2014/10/07 12:59]  Nebadon Izumi: wierd
[2014/10/07 13:00]  Dahlia.Trimble replex on windows
[2014/10/07 13:00]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok, I'm shortly going to start some bots moving
[2014/10/07 13:00]  Jessica.Pixel I can see the video but no sound.
[2014/10/07 13:00]  Sun Tzu: same for me - music but no video
[2014/10/07 13:00]  Justin Clark-Casey: scene ft seems to settle down after a while - it can take a long time after logins
[2014/10/07 13:00]  Elmo.Figaro video andmusic oke here
[2014/10/07 13:00]  vegaslon.plutonian anyone see the movie and have chrome installed on their computer?
[2014/10/07 13:00]  Justin Clark-Casey: and I still see some chatlag
[2014/10/07 13:00]  Justin Clark-Casey: sometimes
[2014/10/07 13:01]  Sun Tzu: I have chrome installed but no video
[2014/10/07 13:01]  Jessica.Pixel Okay, I toggled my sound off and back on and now I hear it
[2014/10/07 13:01]  vegaslon.plutonian I have same problem
[2014/10/07 13:01]  BlueWall.Slade the movie is loading, I have Firefox only on this box
[2014/10/07 13:01]  Shez.Oyen I have chrome installed video is fine
[2014/10/07 13:02]  Jessica.Pixel I have flash installed separately already cause I use chrome mostly.
[2014/10/07 13:02]  Dahlia.Trimble what's chrome have to do with it?
[2014/10/07 13:02]  Shez.Oyen Beats me!
[2014/10/07 13:02]  Nebadon Izumi: chrome has its own flash
[2014/10/07 13:02]  vegaslon.plutonian chrome has build in flash so you do not have to install it
[2014/10/07 13:02]  Nebadon Izumi: no external plugin required
[2014/10/07 13:02]  Jessica.Pixel Chrome has flash built in so you have to install Flash on its own to get it to work in SL/OS
[2014/10/07 13:02]  Dahlia.Trimble beats Shez...
[2014/10/07 13:02]  Dahlia.Trimble oh well I have like 4 browsers installed
[2014/10/07 13:02]  Shez.Oyen Beat me, beat me! But don't hate me :o
[2014/10/07 13:03]  Jessica.Pixel Uh oh, that video contains content from VEVO.
[2014/10/07 13:03]  Justin Clark-Casey: I see a notivce saying content from Vevo is restricted from playback
[2014/10/07 13:03]  Justin Clark-Casey nods
[2014/10/07 13:03]  Sun Tzu: So is it best to uninstall Chrome, install Flash and then reinstall Chrome?
[2014/10/07 13:03]  Jessica.Pixel Nah, leave Chrome installed.
[2014/10/07 13:03]  Dahlia.Trimble is vevo bad?
[2014/10/07 13:03]  Jessica.Pixel Just go to the Adobe site and manually install Flash
[2014/10/07 13:03]  vegaslon.plutonian you can install flash from their website
[2014/10/07 13:03]  Shez.Oyen I instaled Flash seperately.. don't really use Chrome. (Firefox here)
[2014/10/07 13:03]  Nebadon Izumi: heh ya vevo wont let you embed
[2014/10/07 13:03]  Nebadon Izumi: so it doesnt work in my youtube player
[2014/10/07 13:04]  Dahlia.Trimble I have chrome, ie, opera, and firefox, all with flash installed
[2014/10/07 13:04]  Dahlia.Trimble video usually works in viewer but not here for some reason
[2014/10/07 13:04]  Jessica.Pixel Try toggling the media off/on.
[2014/10/07 13:05]  Jessica.Pixel That's what fixed the sound for me.
[2014/10/07 13:05]  Dahlia.Trimble I did
[2014/10/07 13:05]  Sun Tzu: I've had issues with playing Youtbe inside the viewer's browser before - but I think it just not been updated for my Mac viewer
[2014/10/07 13:05]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, it's good not running bots from home now. Sometimes my connection would drop for a few seconds. I suspect router couldn't handle it :)
[2014/10/07 13:05]  Cheopss Forlife7: haha for me it works and it makes me work, I cclicked and it sent my nose on
[2014/10/07 13:05]  Dahlia.Trimble oh my router is pretty op for a home router
[2014/10/07 13:06]  Justin Clark-Casey: okay, good test, held 400 today, discounting the issue with pCampnbot running out of memory
[2014/10/07 13:06]  Shez.Oyen afk to take dogs out
[2014/10/07 13:06]  Mata Hari: okies...have a good week then
[2014/10/07 13:06]  Justin Clark-Casey: movement pretty good still, though clearly work still to do with throttles and the big scene lag, which I suspect it associated with hg login for avatars with lot sof attachments, possibly also mesh related
[2014/10/07 13:06]  Justin Clark-Casey: bye shez
[2014/10/07 13:07]  Justin Clark-Casey: finally, I'm going to start bots moving and see how that lags out the scene
[2014/10/07 13:07]  Jessica.Pixel OH GOD
[2014/10/07 13:07]  Jessica.Pixel RELEASE THE RUTHS
[2014/10/07 13:08]  Nebadon Izumi: ;lol
[2014/10/07 13:08]  Justin Clark-Casey: every ruth
[2014/10/07 13:08]  Elmo.Figaro ruth invasion?
[2014/10/07 13:08]  Nebadon Izumi pumps shotgun
[2014/10/07 13:08]  Stephen Xootfly is Offline
[2014/10/07 13:08]  Jessica.Pixel obvs movement is stuttery for me, but no rubberbanding at least
[2014/10/07 13:08]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok, feels same as last week after a while. mvmt degraded though still can move
[2014/10/07 13:08]  Justin Clark-Casey: my animations stop happening :)
[2014/10/07 13:08]  Dahlia.Trimble barely
[2014/10/07 13:09]  Jessica.Pixel oh yeah, i stopped dancing and i'm not walking
[2014/10/07 13:09]  Jessica.Pixel just sliding
[2014/10/07 13:09]  Sun Tzu: That's an idea - ar Ruth Zombie hunt anyone??
[2014/10/07 13:09]  Billy.Bradshaw action Machinima, horror+ movie
[2014/10/07 13:09]  Aine.Caoimhe I'm getting rubber-banding on movement
[2014/10/07 13:09]  Dahlia.Trimble animations not updating
[2014/10/07 13:09]  Justin Clark-Casey: my actual mvmt is still good though animations don't work consistently
[2014/10/07 13:09]  Sun Tzu: We'd use Rubber Banding Guns to shoot the Ruths
[2014/10/07 13:09]  Justin Clark-Casey: physics fps at around 30-ish
[2014/10/07 13:10]  Justin Clark-Casey: unfortunatley, I don't yet have control over the numbers of bots that move, it's all or nothing
[2014/10/07 13:10]  Justin Clark-Casey: need to put that in
[2014/10/07 13:10]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok, going to stop them
[2014/10/07 13:11]  Justin Clark-Casey: altohug unfoprtunately they don't actually stop....
[2014/10/07 13:11]  Justin Clark-Casey: hmmm, so less than effetive
[2014/10/07 13:11]  Jessica.Pixel They look like a cloud of gnats trying to get out a closed window.
[2014/10/07 13:11]  Justin Clark-Casey: lol
[2014/10/07 13:11]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok, I'm just going to start everything moving and see how much melts
[2014/10/07 13:11]  BlueWall.Slade is Offline
[2014/10/07 13:11]  Justin Clark-Casey: in toher keynotes
[2014/10/07 13:11]  Nebadon Izumi: k
[2014/10/07 13:12]  Jessica.Pixel gets out a fondue fork.
[2014/10/07 13:12]  BlueWall.Slade is Online
[2014/10/07 13:12]  BlueWall.Slade is Online
[2014/10/07 13:13]  Jessica.Pixel One of my body parts is floating over here not attached to me. I right click > detached it and all my attachments came off...
[2014/10/07 13:13]  Shez.Oyen walking in place and rubber banding
[2014/10/07 13:13]  Dahlia.Trimble moonwalks....
[2014/10/07 13:13]  Justin Clark-Casey: test
[2014/10/07 13:13]  Nebadon Izumi: i lost another bot
[2014/10/07 13:14]  Justin Clark-Casey: 1
[2014/10/07 13:14]  Justin Clark-Casey: 13:14
[2014/10/07 13:14]  Nebadon Izumi: my net seems to be getting clobbered
[2014/10/07 13:14]  Jessica.Pixel with this music, this is very surreal lol
[2014/10/07 13:14]  Justin Clark-Casey: kn1 console no longer responding to me
[2014/10/07 13:14]  Nebadon Izumi: i cant even load web pages
[2014/10/07 13:14]  Nebadon Izumi: ISP might be hating me at the moment
[2014/10/07 13:14]  Shez.Oyen lol
[2014/10/07 13:14]  vegaslon.plutonian lol
[2014/10/07 13:14]  Justin Clark-Casey: going to leave this going for a while since it's good data
[2014/10/07 13:14]  Justin Clark-Casey: just another 5 mins
[2014/10/07 13:14]  Justin Clark-Casey: then I will disconnect bots
[2014/10/07 13:15]  Nebadon Izumi: are you connecting bots from my house too Justin?
[2014/10/07 13:15]  Justin Clark-Casey: I need to improve the "none" behaviour so it actually stops them
[2014/10/07 13:15]  Justin Clark-Casey: no
[2014/10/07 13:15]  Nebadon Izumi: ok
[2014/10/07 13:15]  Justin Clark-Casey: ec2 only today
[2014/10/07 13:15]  Justin Clark-Casey: and from now on
[2014/10/07 13:15]  Nebadon Izumi: i didnt think so
[2014/10/07 13:15]  Nebadon Izumi: k cool
[2014/10/07 13:15]  Justin Clark-Casey: okay 3 more min
[2014/10/07 13:17]  Justin Clark-Casey: 3
[2014/10/07 13:17]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, ft really climbing now
[2014/10/07 13:17]  BlueWall.Slade is the video just one frame throughout?
[2014/10/07 13:17]  Justin Clark-Casey: annoying I can't look at queues since losing the kn1 console
[2014/10/07 13:18]  Disconnected from in-world Voice Chat
[2014/10/07 13:18]  Voice not available at your current location
[2014/10/07 13:22]  Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[2014/10/07 13:22]  Connected
[2014/10/07 13:23]  Dahlia.Trimble is Online
[2014/10/07 13:23]  Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[2014/10/07 13:23]  Connected
[2014/10/07 13:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok, looks pretty back to normal now
[2014/10/07 13:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: nebadon: you can log bots off if you want, test has ended now I would say
[2014/10/07 13:24]  Aine.Caoimhe okies...heading home then....see you all next week if not before
[2014/10/07 13:25]  Justin Clark-Casey: may need to look into managing lgout as well, though that big lag could have been phys overload too
[2014/10/07 13:25]  Justin Clark-Casey: bye aine
[2014/10/07 13:25]  Elmo.Figaro bye mata
[2014/10/07 13:25]  Dahlia.Trimble bye mata and aine
[2014/10/07 13:26]  Dahlia.Trimble havent seen a crash here for a while :)
[2014/10/07 13:26]  Sun Tzu: Ok I headed back to other sim. Have agreat day all
[2014/10/07 13:26]  Dahlia.Trimble cya Sun
[2014/10/07 13:26]  Justin Clark-Casey: bye sun
[2014/10/07 13:27]  Justin Clark-Casey: laag
[2014/10/07 13:27]  Billy.Bradshaw neb looks like he is on roller skates
[2014/10/07 13:27]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2014/10/07 13:27]  Nebadon Izumi: probably not getting animation packet updates
[2014/10/07 13:28]  Justin Clark-Casey: maybe effectivley the same issue as sti
[2014/10/07 13:28]  Justin Clark-Casey: sit
[2014/10/07 13:28]  Nebadon Izumi: ya
[2014/10/07 13:28]  Elmo.Figaro gave you loadtest1.
[2014/10/07 13:28]  Nebadon Izumi: stuck animation syndrome
[2014/10/07 13:28]  Billy.Bradshaw put some wheels on you feet man, then everything will look ok
[2014/10/07 13:28]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[2014/10/07 13:28]  Elmo.Figaro looed like bots were trying to form a shape
[2014/10/07 13:28]  Elmo.Figaro k
[2014/10/07 13:28]  Justin Clark-Casey: elmo: yeah,. lotta dots :) Now just need to fix appearance when I get time
[2014/10/07 13:28]  Justin Clark-Casey: would be much better to see them, even if they are ruths
[2014/10/07 13:28]  Dahlia.Trimble bye all :)
[2014/10/07 13:29]  Justin Clark-Casey: bye dahlia
[2014/10/07 13:29]  Nebadon Izumi: see you dahlia
[2014/10/07 13:29]  Nebadon Izumi: good test today for sure
[2014/10/07 13:29]  Billy.Bradshaw sure my viewer memory dropped by 200 meg when mata and aine left
[2014/10/07 13:29]  Dahlia.Trimble is Online
[2014/10/07 13:29]  Justin Clark-Casey: billy: might yet have to impose limits on attachments
[2014/10/07 13:29]  Nebadon Izumi: wierd Billy
[2014/10/07 13:29]  Nebadon Izumi: Matas avatar isnt that complex or anything
[2014/10/07 13:29]  Nebadon Izumi: her avatar is mesh
[2014/10/07 13:29]  Nebadon Izumi: it should be very efficient really
[2014/10/07 13:29]  Billy.Bradshaw not a bad idea justin
[2014/10/07 13:30]  Jessica.Pixel i love it when the bots turn to face whoever is talking lol
[2014/10/07 13:30]  Nebadon Izumi: my aliens are way worse than her avatar is
[2014/10/07 13:30]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe ya
[2014/10/07 13:30]  Dahlia.Trimble is Offline
[2014/10/07 13:30]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok, I'm going to make something to eat now. Thanks a lot for coming, real ppl
[2014/10/07 13:31]  Jessica.Pixel This is always fun!
[2014/10/07 13:31]  Jessica.Pixel See you next time :3
[2014/10/07 13:31]  Justin Clark-Casey waves
[2014/10/07 13:31]  Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
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