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osAvatarPlayAnimation(key avatar, string animation)
This function causes an animation to be played on the specified avatar.

The variable animation must be the name of an animation within the task inventory. For security reasons, UUIDs are not allowed here.

Instead of the name of an animation in the prim's inventory, you can also use the names of the viewer's built-in animations.

osAvatarPlayAnimation does not perform any security checks or request animation permissions from the targeted avatar.

Threat Level VeryHigh
Permissions Use of this function is always disabled by default
Extra Delay 0 seconds
// osResetAllScripts Script Example
    touch_start(integer num)
        // Get the name of the animation from the prim's inventory
        string anim = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION, 0);
        // Play the animation on the avatar who touched the object
        osAvatarPlayAnimation(llDetectedKey(0), anim);
When using this function in an object that requires the user to sit on the object (like a chair,or a poseball), you will need to stop the sit animation by including the following snippet:
changed(integer change)
    // Check if there's a change in the link set
    if (change & CHANGED_LINK)
        // Get the key of the user sitting on the object
        key user = llAvatarOnSitTarget();
        // Stop the sit animation
        osAvatarStopAnimation(user, "sit");
        // Play the desired animation on the user
        osAvatarPlayAnimation(user, anim);

See Also

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