User:Allen Kerensky/Myriad Lite Preview 5/Point Pools Server

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Myriad Lite Point Pools Server


// Myriad_Lite_Point_Pools_Server-v0.0.1-20120129.lsl
// The Myriad RPG System was designed, written, and illustrated by Ashok Desai
// Myriad RPG licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England and Wales
// Myriad Lite software Copyright (c) 2011 by Allen Kerensky (OSG/SL)
// Myriad Lite licensed under the
// Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike-Non-Commercial 3.0 Unported

string VERSION = "0.0.1"; // Allen Kerensky's script version
string VERSIONDATE = "20120129"; // Allen Kerensky's script yyyymmdd
integer CHAN_MYRIAD = -999; // regionwide channel for Myriad events
string CARD = "Myriad_Lite_Point_Pools-v0.0.0-20110928.csv"; // notecard data table

integer HAND_MYRIAD; // llListenRemove handle for Myriad regional channel

list POWER_LEVELS; // names of power levels loaded
list STAT_POOLS; // stat pool of power level, indexed by name order
list SKILL_POOLS; // skill pool of power level, indexed by name order
list PER_SKILLS; // number of skills per pool, indexed by name order
list SFX_POOLS; // special effect ability pools, indexed by name order
list HEALTH_POOLS; // resilience pools, indexed by name order
list GP_POOLS; // general point pools, indexed by name order
list MAX_STAT_CAPS; // max stat value per power level, indexed by name order
list MAX_SKILL_CAPS; // max skill value per power level, indexed by name order
list RESOURCE_POINTS; // initial resource points per power level indexed by name order

integer LINE = 0; // reading line number
key QUERY = NULL_KEY; // track notecard queries

// DEBUG - show debug messages
DEBUG(string dmessage) {
    llOwnerSay("DEBUG: "+dmessage);

// SETUP - begin
    if ( HAND_MYRIAD != 0 ) llListenRemove(HAND_MYRIAD); // is there already a listener? clear it  
    HAND_MYRIAD = llListen(CHAN_MYRIAD,"",NULL_KEY,""); // start region channel listener
    DEBUG("Point Pool server "+VERSION+" "+VERSIONDATE+" loading point pools. Please wait..."); // tell player we're waiting for data server
    QUERY = llGetNotecardLine(CARD,LINE++); // ask for line from notecard and advance to next line

// RESET - reload
    llResetScript(); // now reset

    integer replyto = (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)id,0,6)); // calculate requestor-specific chat channel to reply to
    // we have to work around llRegionSay max string length 1023 characters
    integer items = llGetListLength(POWER_LEVELS); // how many total items to send?
    integer count; // which item are we processing now?
    string out = "POINT_POOLS|"; // start an output list
    integer firstflag = TRUE; // is this first item in new list?
    while (count < items ) { // do we still have items in list to send?
        string name = llList2String(POWER_LEVELS,count); // get the name of current item
        if (  llStringLength(out+","+name) <= 1016) { // is our output list under the string length limit?
            if ( firstflag == TRUE ) { // first item in list does not need a comma prefix
                out += name; // add this item as first in the output list
                firstflag = FALSE; // turn off first flag since next item won't be
            } else { // not first item in list, prefix with comma
                out += ","+name; // add a comma and this power level to existing list
        } else { // output string > 1016 chars long
            llRegionSay(replyto,out); // send current output string
            out = "POINT_POOLS|"+name; // start a new one and add current item to that
        count++; // done putting this item in a list, set counter to next
    llRegionSay(replyto,out); // say last line of output    

GET_POINT_POOL(key id,string msg) {
    integer replyto = (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)id,0,6)); // calculate requestor-specific chat channel to reply to
    list tokens = llParseString2List(msg,["|"],[]); // split msg into list around pipe symbols
    string powerlevel = llList2String(tokens,1); // the name of the item to get
    integer listpos = llListFindList(POWER_LEVELS,[powerlevel]); // get the position of that item in the list
    string reply = "POINT_POOL"; // start output item data NO PLURAL here - we're sending 1 point pool
    if ( listpos != -1 ) { // was item name in the list?
        reply += "|POWER_LEVEL="+llList2String(POWER_LEVELS,listpos); // add power level name to output
        reply += "|STAT_POOL="+llList2String(STAT_POOLS,listpos); // add stat pool to output
        reply += "|SKILL_POOL="+llList2String(SKILL_POOLS,listpos); // add skill pool to output
        reply += "|PER_SKILLS="+llList2String(PER_SKILLS,listpos); // add skills per pool to output
        reply += "|SFX_POOL="+llList2String(SFX_POOLS,listpos); // add special effect ability pool to output
        reply += "|HEALTH_POOL="+llList2String(HEALTH_POOLS,listpos); // add resilience pool to output
        reply += "|GP_POOL="+llList2String(GP_POOLS,listpos); // add general point pool to output
        reply += "|MAX_STAT_CAP="+llList2String(MAX_STAT_CAPS,listpos); // add max stat value to output
        reply += "|MAX_SKILL_CAP="+llList2String(MAX_SKILL_CAPS,listpos); // add max skill value to output
        reply += "|RESOURCE_POINTS="+llList2String(RESOURCE_POINTS,listpos); // add resource points value to output
        llRegionSay(replyto,reply); // send it to requestor FIXME what if output greater than 1016 chars?
    } else {
        llRegionSay(replyto,"CAMPAIGN|ERROR=Requested Point Pool ("+powerlevel+") not found"); // item requested does not exist, return an error

    // FIXME - do we need this?    

default {

    // STATE ENTRY - called on Reset
    state_entry() {
        SETUP(); // show credits and start of notecard data load

    // on_rez - when rezzed to ground or from inventory as attachment during login
    on_rez(integer params) {
        params = 0; // LSLINT
        RESET(); // force to go through state entry

    // attach - when attached or detached from inventory or during login
    attach(key id) {
        id = NULL_KEY; // LSLINT
        RESET(); // force to go through state entry

    // dataserver called for each line of notecard requested
    dataserver(key queryid,string data) {
        if ( queryid == QUERY ) { // dataserver gave us line we asked for?
            if ( data != EOF ) { // we're not at end of notecard file?
                if ( llGetSubString(data,0,0) == "#" ) { // does this line start with comment mark?
                    QUERY = llGetNotecardLine(CARD,LINE++); // ignore comment and ask for the next line
                // Parse non-comment lines in keyword = value[,value,...] format
                list fields = llParseString2List(data,[","],[]); // break line of text into = delimited fields
                POWER_LEVELS    = POWER_LEVELS + [llStringTrim(llList2String(fields,0),STRING_TRIM)]; // add name field to name list
                STAT_POOLS      = STAT_POOLS + [llList2Integer(fields,1)]; // add stat pool field to list
                SKILL_POOLS     = SKILL_POOLS + [llList2Integer(fields,2)]; // add skill pool field to list
                PER_SKILLS      = PER_SKILLS + [llList2Integer(fields,3)]; // add per-skills field to list
                SFX_POOLS       = SFX_POOLS + [llList2Integer(fields,4)]; // add sfx pool field to list
                HEALTH_POOLS    = HEALTH_POOLS + [llList2Integer(fields,5)]; // add resilience pool field to list
                GP_POOLS        = GP_POOLS + [llList2Integer(fields,6)]; // add general pool field to list
                MAX_STAT_CAPS   = MAX_STAT_CAPS + [llList2Integer(fields,7)]; // add max stat field to list
                MAX_SKILL_CAPS  = MAX_SKILL_CAPS + [llList2Integer(fields,8)]; // add max skill field to list
                RESOURCE_POINTS = RESOURCE_POINTS + [llList2Integer(fields,9)]; // add resource point field to list
                QUERY = llGetNotecardLine(CARD,LINE++); // finished with known keywords, get next line
            } else { // end of notecard
                DEBUG("Point Pools Loaded. Server ready. Free Memory: "+(string)llGetFreeMemory()); // done, ready to serve
            } // end if data not equal eof
        } // end if query id equal
    } // end if data server event
    listen(integer channel,string name,key id,string msg) {
        channel = 0; // LSLINT
        name = ""; // LSLINT
        list tokens = llParseString2List(msg,["|"],[ ]); // split msg into list around pipe symbols
        string command = llList2String(tokens,0); // first field is some sort of command
        if ( command == "LIST_POINT_POOLS" ) { // is this a list all point pools request?
            LIST_POINT_POOLS(id); // call it
            return; // return early instead of processing more
        if ( command == "GET_POINT_POOL" ) { // GET_POINT_POOL|string power level name
            GET_POINT_POOL(id,msg); // call it
            return; // return early instead of processing more
        if ( command == "SET_POINT_POOL" ) { // is this a set point-pool request?
            SET_POINT_POOL(); //call it
            return; // return early in case we add more later
} // end default state

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